Honda is Unleashing the Tech in its Net Zero Energy ‘Smart Home’
Honda sees your Japanese “Smart Town,” Panasonic, and raises you an American “Smart House.” At the end of March, 2014, Honda revealed its Smart House on the University of California’s…
Warka the Life Saver – An Ingenious Low-tech Solution for Capturing Water from Thin Air
Imagine travelling six hours a day and having to scoop water with a trashed plastic bottle from a worm infested stagnant pond contaminated by human waste. For some people in…
One Man’s Trash…is Another Scrounger’s House (if You Know How to Live)
Jim Juczak, a middle-school shop teacher, hates mortgages. When he decided to build his own home on his 50-acre property, he decided to do away with debt. What resulted from…
Forget Small Scale Sustainability, Panasonic is Building an Entire Power Generating Smart Town
In an unprecedented move, Panasonic has extended itself into private construction in order to rebuild post-varied-disaster Japan into a model of sustainability and smarts. The company, working in conjunction with…
Robinson Crusoe’ing in New Zealand: Great Barrier Island Community Lives Completely Off-the-Grid and Feels More Connected than Ever
Imagine being completely self-sufficient for your food, power and water supply. Many people all over the world do not have to imagine this because they are already doing it –…
How a Harvard-Educated Professor Decided to Live in a Garbage Bin For a Year
Austin, TX is having another great day in the land of Environmentalism. The progressive city has given rise to a new research experiment by Huston Tillotson professor who is seeking…
Walipini – a Smart and Simple Underground Greenhouse for $300 or Less
With the modern push to eat healthily and avoid processed foods, many have taken to creating small (or large) gardens in order to grow fresh fruits and organic vegetables. The…
Everyday Toxins: a Simple Guide to Gloves Free Kitchen
Are you still wearing gloves to protect yourself from chemicals in the kitchen? Or perhaps worse, are you NOT wearing gloves to protect yourself from chemicals? Either way, you must…
Laundry to Landscape Greywater System Explained in Five Steps
When it comes to water conservation the solutions are not black and white, they’re grey. You will find it (correctly) spelled greywater and graywater but whether you spell it with…