Need something? A local contractor, handyman, painter, energy auditor, architect, sustainable materials, green builders? Anything you need, we have the right referral for you! Simply contact us via the CONTACT page with your request and we’ll be happy to help.
EPA’s Green Home Website – Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, in the market for a new home, or making home improvements, this Web site identifies the key environmental and energy issues at hand, and suggests solutions that will add value to your home, reduce energy use and energy costs, fight climate change, and help protect your health.
Build It Green Website It’s non-profit organization with a mission to promote healthy, energy- and resource-efficient homes in California. They have great reources and “Search the Product Directory” to conveniently locate suppliers of green building products within the 9-County San Francisco Bay Area.
Santa Clara Valley Water District Website. is packed with wonderful information and money saving opportunities (contributed by Katya Alekhina). Rebates on Water Softener Replacement, High-Efficiency Toilets ($125), Residential Clothes Washer Rebate. Free shower heads and aerators.
EPA’s Water Sense Program. WaterSense, a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, makes it easy for Americans to save water and protect the environment. Look for the WaterSense label to choose quality, water-efficient products. Many products are available, and don’t require a change in your lifestyle. Explore the links below to learn about WaterSense labeled products, saving water, and how businesses and organizations can partner with WaterSense.
Thinking about lighting up that fire place? Check first with the Spare The Air Website for “no burn” days in order to avoid a $400 dollar fine. There you can also sign up to get automatic e-mail or phone notifications of no-burn alerts when wood fires are banned in fireplaces and stoves.
Master Gardeners of Santa Clara Website. Find out about all sorts of magic tips, professional advice, and local events for gardening and sustainable landscaping enthusiasts. (contributed by Inga Gaid)
PG&E Website Rebate Section. Thinking of buying new appliances or equipment? Remodeling or upgrading your home? Don’t make a step without checking out the PG&E website for an incredible variety of savings in the form of rebates.
Go Solar California website provides consumers a “one-stop shop” for information on rebates, tax credits, and incentives for solar energy systems in California.
US Department of Enegy Website. Provides a Consumer’s Guide to Energy Efficiency. Learn ways to save enegy and use clean, renewable energy at home, while driving and at work.
ENERGY STAR Website. A popular program that helps consumers identify energy efficient products and offers advice on home improvement. It is also a qualification awarded to energy efficient homes as established by the EPA.
Conexions Website – working to increase awareness and capacity to respond to Earth’s most pressing challenges. Our mission is to advance regenerative social, ecological, and business practices that enable Earth to thrive.
Acterra Website – Brings people together to create local solutions for a healthy planet. They have a range of ways to get involved and make a difference. Acterra was formed in 2000 by the merger of two of the region’s most respected and effective environmental organizations: the Peninsula Conservation Center Foundation and Bay Area Action.
Essential Quality’s Green Making Websiteis the local website for building green homes. Here you will find space for online communities and links to resources that help you construct your own natural, eco-friendly home, featuring all the things closest to you.
World Centric Website – mission is to reduce economic injustice and environmental degradation through education, community networks, and sustainable enterprises.
BayAreaGreen.biz – Bay Area Green Biz Connection was born out of inspiration to connect local businesses with focus on “green”, eco and sustainability. This is the place to network and build lasting relationships.
Our City Forest – the mission of Our City Forest is to cultivate a greener, healthier urban environment and a renewed sense of community by involving Silicon Valley residents in the understanding, planting and care of the urban forest. Want to help plant trees? Join them.
Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley – a nonprofit organization that rehabilitates the homes of low-income elderly and disabled homeowners, free of charge, so that they may live in warmth, safety, and independence. Rebuilding Together mobilizes skilled and unskilled volunteers and utilizes donated materials to complete the repairs. They have recently introduced a green initiative that focuses on completing energy efficiency upgrades and repairs for these homeowners, including CFL installation, Energy Star appliances upgrades, caulking and weatherstripping, and window and door replacements.
Waste & Recycling
Alameda County Waste Management website (www.stopwaste.org)
U.S. Green Building Council: www.usgbc.com
Energy Star: www.energystar.gov
U.S. Department of Energy: www.energy.org
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: www.epa.gov
National Association of Home Builders: www.nahb.org
American Association of Interior Designers: www.asid.org
California Energy Commission: www.energy.ca.gov
California Department of Conservation: www.conservation.ca.gov
Green California: www.green.ca.gov
California Environmental Protection Agency: www.calepa.ca.org
Environment California has a great website for grassroots advocacy at the state level–check it out– you can sign petitions or get involved on all sorts of issues close to your heart: http://www.environmentcalifornia.org/action